About My Process

Every person who is able to connect with Spirit has their own unique way that they process those interactions. Here I will break down how I connect with the other side. My process may be similar or different to other Mediums/Channels who you have dealt with before, and that’s ok! There is no “right way” to connect with Spirit - all experiences are different and valid.

When Channeling with Guides or Source Energy I feel their energy approach me from above. The top of my head gets very tingly, around my crown chakra. I usually experience clairsentience with Guides pretty strongly, this means I often receive messaging from them in the form of “downloads”, where I “just know” what they are saying. The next most impactful way that Guides speak to me is through clairvoyance, where they show me scenes or images that are important to the issue at hand. This comes up most strongly for me when I am Channeling past lives, then the images become almost full scenes - like remote viewing! Guides will also very often show me the emotions attached to a particular trauma or life-path issue so that I can help guide my clients on how to resolve energetic blocks and move forward in their lives.

When connecting with “dead people” through Mediumship I feel their energy approach me in the front. My face gets very tingly, usually around my third eye chakra. I will often experience clairaudience when I connect with people who have passed on, hearing snippets of speech or names. I almost never get this effect when connecting to Guides or Source energy. Sometimes, I can even repeat messages back with the tone or cadence of voice that a loved one used to have in life, which can be exciting and comforting for those receiving the message! I also experience clairsentience, a knowing of what they want to convey, and clairvoyant images with Mediumship as I do with Channeling. I don’t often get the feelings of trauma or death that the person experienced in life, though it has happened on occasion when it is specifically relevant to the message they want conveyed.

I do my readings with the help of Zoom which allows me to work with clients all over the world. Some people have asked how I can do a reading without that person being in my physical presence but that’s really not necessary. When I am tapping into the other side to get guidance for a client I am tapping into energy, not into their brains, and energy is everywhere!

So, there we go - While these descriptions sum up the most common ways I experience being a Channel and Medium I am sure Spirit will continue to surprise me and keep me on my toes with new experiences. The more I read the more I find to be excited about. Won’t you join me?
